Babette Pepaj

Mentor Catalyst

Babette Pepaj created in 2006 as the Web’s first food-themed social network, and has leveraged the platform to develop a new recipe for native advertising that spans app publishing, offline conferences and streaming online video. Described by USA Today as “the closest thing to a Facebook-like food site,” the core online community has earned multiple Webby Award honors, including back-to-back nominations for “Best Social Network.”

In 2010, Babette produced the first TECHmunch Food Blogger Conference, and has since brought it to major cities across North America. The traveling conference provides food bloggers with the hands-on tools they need to succeed and turn their passion into profit. It also connects leading culinary brands directly with food bloggers and other food-related media.

In 2012, Babette launched Cookbook Cafe as the first do-it-yourself publishing tool that enables anyone (home chef, brand, nonprofit organization, etc.) to create, market and sell a cookbook as both an iPad App and web-based ebook. Cookbook Cafe has earned back-to-back Webby honors for “Best Social App,” and was recognized by the IACP (International Association of Culinary Professionals) for “Outstanding Use of New Technology.”


Skills: Packaging and Publishing Branded Content, Blogger Relations, Television Production  

Industry: All


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